

Integrated Report 2023


We have published our Integrated Report 2023, which introduces the corporate image of TRE HOLDINGS as a comprehensive environmental management company and explains its medium- to long-term vision and strategy. This integrated report presents the TRE Group's reason for existing, value-creating foundations, business models, and the value it creates, as it develops diverse environmental businesses.

Sustainability Management

TRE HOLDINGS is enhancing our corporate value and strengthening governance structure so that our various stakeholders will trust us. On top of that, we are practicing sustainability management as a comprehensive environment management enterprise that responds to various environment-related needs.

Issue 1: Strengthen the corporate governance structure

Way of thinking about the priority issue

We are working to further enhance balanced relationships with all our shareholders and to maximize mid- to long-term corporate value based on a strengthened governance structure.


We will strengthen our structure to monitor management decision-making and execution from an independent standpoint. We will do this by being a company with an audit & supervisory committee and ensuring at least one third of our directors come from outside the company and include female officers. In addition, we will establish a nomination & remuneration committee with outside directors accounting for a majority of members.

Issue 2: Develop an environment where diverse personnel can work comfortably

Way of thinking about the priority issue

We respect diversity. Accordingly, we will provide an environment in which each employee can work vibrantly and enjoy a work style with a fulfilling private life in addition to work hours.


We will promote telecommuting and paperless operations amid the COVID-19 pandemic. We will also promote the appointment of female managers and the acquisition of childcare leave by men to build vibrant workplaces in which it is possible to experience growth together with the company. In addition, we will work to ensure closer communication between companies and departments to foster a sense of unity as the new TRE. For example, managers will listen to the opinions from on-site employees. In this way, we will promote the creation of an open organization.

Issue 3: Promote efforts utilizing our identity as a comprehensive environment management enterprise

Way of thinking about the priority issue

Sincere efforts in the businesses of TRE lead to global environmental conservation. We will enter into collaboration and cooperation with local governments and other companies for things that we cannot achieve in the TRE Group alone. We recognize that the climate change problem is a particularly important issue on a global scale. Under this recognition, we will proactively take action as the TRE Group and also work on the business to treat disaster waste generated by frequent natural disasters.


  1. We will look to achieve carbon neutrality concerning the electric power we use about five years after our merger.
  2. We will promptly formulate a basic environmental policy. Under this policy, we will come together as one in our group to conduct various activities to contribute to global environmental conservation upon enhancing our environmental activity promotion structure. We will also disclose the integrated report in line with the Task Force on Climate-related Financial Disclosures (TCFD) early.
  3. We will participate in RE100 and cooperate with other participating companies.
  4. TRE HOLDINGS will launch a foundation for SDGs promotion upon taking over and developing the TAKEEI Foundation for SDGs Promotion. We will extensively contribute to the promotion of its activities.
  5. We will work on business to support the treatment of disaster waste upon cooperating with related companies and local governments while utilizing the infrastructure and personnel in each of our new group bases.