
"We are committed to the conservation of the global environment"

With the serious impact of destruction of environments and climate change across the globe underway, we strive to support the realization of a highly recycling-oriented and carbon neutral society.

As a general environmental enterprise that places value on harmony with nature and coexistence with the local ecosystem, we are pressing on with the extension of the recycling business and promote the energy business. Also, to that end, we actively pursue the development of innovative technology.

We work to develop further well-balanced relationships with all stakeholders and implement sustainable operations to facilitate the delivery of continuous socioeconomic growth.

TRE Group Corporate Code of Conduct

We are aware of our corporate social responsibility as a company involved in the environmental business. Accordingly, in addition to faithfully complying with all laws and ordinances, we will act as follows with good common sense.

1. Act on a customer-first basis
We will act in a way that earns trust and satisfaction from our customers while always thinking from their standpoint.

2. Consider balance with the environment
We will proactively work on saving energy and reducing CO2 emissions based on our outstanding technological capabilities and abundant experience with a strong awareness to build a decarbonized society and to engage in recycling of resources in our business activities. In addition, we will fully consider the natural environment around us and our living environment.

3. Provide corporate information suitably and appropriately
We will provide corporate information suitably and appropriately to customers, business partners, shareholders, investors and other stakeholders while aiming to communicate widely with society.

4. Respect human rights
We will respect the human rights of each person. We will not permit discrimination or harassment, based on race, ethnicity, religion, nationality, social status, gender, age or disabilities. We will also not allow child labor or forced labor.

5. Compete fairly
We will engage in business while respecting fair and transparent competition. In addition, we will maintain sound and appropriate with politicians, government officials, customers, their agents, and all other third parties while not engaging in any kind of extortion, bribery or other form of corruption for the purpose of acquiring unfair profits.

6. Strive to ensure safety at work sites
We will strive to ensure safety at work sites with the whole company working together to achieve that. We will aim for zero work accidents together with our business partners and associated companies.

7. Strive to form workplaces that make the most of individualities and abilities
We will aim to form workplaces in which each of our employees can demonstrate their individuality, motivation and abilities to the maximum possible extent. Moreover, we will ensure a pleasant working environment and strive to achieve comfort and affluence.

8. Do not provide benefits to antisocial forces
We will not provide economic benefits to antisocial forces that threaten the social order and the sound activities of companies.

Our officers and executives are fully aware that their role is to realize the spirit of this corporate code of conduct. Therefore, they make concerned parties fully aware of it upon setting an example worth following.

If an event occurs that is a violation of this corporate code of conduct, the President will take the lead and work with the whole company to identify the causes and prevent its recurrence after solving the problem. Furthermore, we will disclose information promptly and accurately to those inside and outside our company in regards to events that have occurred. While fulfilling our accountability for that, we will strictly deal with all related employees including the President.

July 15, 2022
Matsuoka Naoto, Chairman and CEO
Abe Mitsuo, President and COO

Policies of the TRE Group